Appetizers » Baked Brie w/ Toasted Dukkah Crust

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Baked Brie w/ Toasted Dukkah Crust
Baked Brie w/ Toasted Dukkah Crust <p> The aroma of baked brie is very inviting. But topped with apricot jam and a toasted blend of nuts, spices and sesame seeds, elevates it to a whole new level. Warm and fragrant from the oven, the dukkah introduces a satisfying crunch with every taste of brie. A healthy and easy appetizer, it&#39;s ready in about 10 minutes. You can&#39;t beat it.</p>

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baked cheese, brie, cheese, cheese appetizers, dukkah

The aroma of baked brie is very inviting. But topped with apricot jam and a toasted blend of nuts, spices and sesame seeds, elevates it to a whole new level. Warm and fragrant from the oven, the dukkah introduces a satisfying crunch with every taste of brie. A healthy and easy appetizer, it's ready in about 10 minutes. You can't beat it.

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