Food Field Trips » Beekeeping 101

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Beekeeping 101
Beekeeping 101 <p> Honey bees form an organized society with their lot in life decided early on. <a href="/videos/profiles/about-mary-reilly">Mary Reilly</a>, chef/owner of <a href="">Enzo Restaurant &amp; Bar</a>, and recreational beekeeper, walks us through the details of setting up your own beehive, from brood chambers to honey supers to the queen excluder, how to maintain the hive, and what to expect as a result. This is an endeavor we found absolutely fascinating! We hope to follow up with Mary in the Fall of 2010 to film her harvesting the honey.</p>

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beekeeping, beekeeping 101, bees, garden, honey

Honey bees form an organized society with their lot in life decided early on. Mary Reilly, chef/owner of Enzo Restaurant & Bar, and recreational beekeeper, walks us through the details of setting up your own beehive, from brood chambers to honey supers to the queen excluder, how to maintain the hive, and what to expect as a result. This is an endeavor we found absolutely fascinating! We hope to follow up with Mary in the Fall of 2010 to film her harvesting the honey.

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