Hero Profile » About Bill Fortune

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About Bill Fortune
About Bill Fortune <p>Bill Fortune is a veteran of the hospitality industry. He got his start as a boy shining shoes in a country club locker room and then filling just about every position at the club including in the kitchen. After a stint in military school, Bill returned home to Connecticut where he enrolled at the University of New Haven. There he was introduced to their Hospitality Management School.  Upon graduation, he moved to Boston and worked at The Country Club in Chestnut Hill and a few years later found his way to the Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel where he manages <a href="http://www.fairmont.com/copleyplaza/GuestServices/Restaurants/OakBar.htm">The Oak Bar</a>.</p>

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Bill Fortune is a veteran of the hospitality industry. He got his start as a boy shining shoes in a country club locker room and then filling just about every position at the club including in the kitchen. After a stint in military school, Bill returned home to Connecticut where he enrolled at the University of New Haven. There he was introduced to their Hospitality Management School.  Upon graduation, he moved to Boston and worked at The Country Club in Chestnut Hill and a few years later found his way to the Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel where he manages The Oak Bar.

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