Dessert & Baked Goods » Lemon Curd

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Lemon Curd
Lemon Curd <p>Fresh lemon juice, sugar, salt, eggs and butter are the simple ingredients in <a href="">finale Dessertie &amp; Bakery</a> Chef <a href="/videos/profiles/about-nicole-coady">Nicole Coady's</a> sweet-tart dessert topping. A strong whisking arm and patience (to the tune of 1-2 hours) are key to a successful lemon curd. Chill, then serve topped with berries, mixed with granola, on pancakes, or as the perfect accompaniment to Chef Nicole's <a href="/videos/dessert-and-baked-goods/lemon-pound-cake">Lemon Pound Cake</a>.</p>

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citrus, lemon, lemon dessert, macarons, pudding

Fresh lemon juice, sugar, salt, eggs and butter are the simple ingredients in finale Dessertie & Bakery Chef Nicole Coady's sweet-tart dessert topping. A strong whisking arm and patience (to the tune of 1-2 hours) are key to a successful lemon curd. Chill, then serve topped with berries, mixed with granola, on pancakes, or as the perfect accompaniment to Chef Nicole's Lemon Pound Cake.

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